13 Tested Ways To Get Right Swiped On Tinder (Highly Effective)

Tinder is still the best match-making site, however, it is quite tough to get the right swipes from girls on it because of the competition, you have to do something out of the box to shine.

Well, in this post, I’m gonna show you the methods that can increase your popularity on Tinder, and ultimately, more right swipes and Super-Likes.

The tips that I am about to share are proven to attract girls. So make sure to read the complete post to improve your statics on Tinder.

Now, without wasting any more time, let’s jump right into it!

1: Upload High-Quality Pictures

Higher resolutions pics have more pixels per inch (PPI), resulting in better pixel information and creating a high-quality, crisp picture. Images with fewer resolutions have fewer pixels, and if those few pixels are too big (usually when an image is stretched), they can become blurry

If you want to shine, the first thing you have to do is, replace all the low quality with high-quality pics. Use a DSLR or a high-end phone to have better pictures with more details.

You can also contact a professional photographer if you’re really serious about this.

Furthermore, high-quality pictures get better engagement than low-quality ones. It will increase your chances of getting more right swipes and super likes.

2: Have A Funny Bio

I will say it 100 times, women love funny guys. You’ve only one place to show whether you’re entertaining or not, and that is your bio.

Have a humorous bio that can make girls laugh. There are thousands of blog posts available on the internet that can help. Just search “Funny Bio Ideas For Tinder”, however, if I have to give some examples, here are they:

If you want to see more examples, you can read the post by Boredpand.

3: Show Your True Personality In The Pictures

A picture tells a lot about you. Make sure they are showing what you really are. Never upload pictures in which you’re angry, it will give a negative statement.

If you’re a workaholic, show it. If you like reading books a lot show it too, but never lie in the images because it can backfire sometimes.

4: Smile More

Smiling can make your picture more engaging. In fact, according to Verywellmind (Trusted Source), we are naturally drawn to people who smile.

While more severe or negative facial expressions like frowns, scowls, and grimaces work in the opposite manner, effectively pushing people away, smiling is seen as more attractive—and people may even assume you have more positive personality traits if you’re smiling.

Not only can smiling make you more attractive, but it can also make you look more youthful. The muscles we use to smile also lift the face, making a person appear younger.

So instead of opting for a facelift, just try smiling your way through the day—you’ll look younger and feel better.

5: Wear Stylish Clothes

Stylish doesn’t mean expensive. You can make yourself stylish with simple clothes if you have a good dressing sense.

Take a look at this guide:

Show your best clothes in the pictures and look confident in them. Background also plays a big role, if you’re at a nice place, you don’t have to show off your expensive chains or Gucci shoes, normal clothes can do the job for you because women will focus more on your background area.

6: Don’t Write A Long Bio

Nobody has time to read a mammoth bio. Attention span is decreasing, in fact, according to studies, our attention span has markedly reduced in just 20 years.

In 2000, it was 12 seconds. Now, 20 years later, it’s shrunk significantly to just 8 seconds. as a matter of fact, scientists reckon we now hold shorter attention spans than goldfish, who are capable to focus on a task or object for 9 seconds.

So having a short bio is more useful. Make them engaging by adding humor. If you still want to write a big bio, use shorter paragraphs.

7: Include Your Pet In The Photos

If you have a dog or cat or any other pet, then what are you waiting for. Include them in one of your pictures. Women love it!

Pets look adorable, especially, dogs and cats. They have large, round heads, big eyes that face forwards to you, soft fur, and floppy ears, dogs and cats just look very appealing to us.

Also, having a pet shows that you’re a caring person, you treat everyone nicely.

8: Wear Formal In One Of Your Photos

Women love men in formals. It indicates that you’re a gentleman. If you have a picture of yourself in formals, include it in your tinder profile pictures collection now!

Image: iwmbuzz.com

Formal will give you a significant boost, you’ll receive more likes, and more importantly, right swipes.

9: Take Honest Reviews From Your Friends Before Uploading Pics On Tinder

Are you about to upload your recently clicked pictures? Wait, did you take the reviews from your close friends? I know it sounds a little weird, but taking reviews may help in uploading better pictures.

Your friends can help you by letting you know, which picture is great and which one is the worst. However, make sure to take reviews from at least 5 friends, you can’t rely only on one of your friends, right?

10: Use Emojis

Emojis can make your bio even more engaging. According to studies, using emojis can increase engagement by 25.4 percent, and using emojis in a Facebook post can improve the number of likes by 57 percent and the number of comments and shares by 33 percent

If emojis can increase your profile engagement that drastically, why not use them? Here is the list of most engaging emojis:

  • 👉
  • 👇
  • 😉
  • 🎉
  • 🤔
  • 👏
  • 🚀
  • 🔥
  • 🎄
  • 👀

11: Upgrade Your Account

Of course, upgrading your account to premium can give you more right swipes. I don’t think I should explain how upgrading an account can help. It is self-explanatory.

12: Don’t Show That You’re A Party Animal

Showing only party pictures or adding drinks to your pictures may reduce your engagement. Be classy, having only party pictures will tell a woman that you don’t focus much on your future. Ultimately, you’ll end up having fewer right swipes.

13: Don’t Include Fish In Your Pictures

Having fishing as your hobby is a good thing, but sadly women find it boring. Do not include fish in your pictures.

I hope you liked this post, if you do then do not forget to come back whenever you have time. Remember this website ” Truly Sigma” (trulysigma.com).