Why Don’t Women Give Me Their Number? (9 Super Strong Reasons)

Every guy wants to date as many attractive women as possible, yet only a few guys succeed in this endeavor.

This post will help you heal your broken heart if you recently tried to get the number of a beautiful woman and were rejected.

To ensure that you have all the information read everything.

Let’s get going!

You Are Not Rich

Those who claim that ladies don’t care about money and only desire a pure heart are deceiving themselves. They are lying to you about what women desire.

Even in the modern era, when women have similar rights as men, the majority of women still want a wealthy and successful partner.

Money is not just the most appealing characteristic you may have; it also indicates that you are a high achiever and diligent worker.

Women want a spouse who can fulfill their desires while also providing a better future for their children.

Therefore, you should focus on ways to increase your wealth rather than waste time trying to figure out the secret to dating success.

When you are sufficiently wealthy, you’ll see that women are treating you with considerably more respect, and you’ll certainly get a lot of dating opportunities and phone numbers.

Money is undoubtedly a nice characteristic, but keep in mind that women dislike guys who grow arrogant after being wealthy. So, stay grounded!

You Don’t Stand Out

How will ladies notice or take you seriously if you don’t have any distinguishing characteristics?

To separate yourself from the other men, you must excel at something.

Why does a friend who is only 5 feet 5 inches tall have one of the most stunning women in my college? He sings incredibly well, and everyone at my college knows who he is.

Having a talent, such as singing or dancing, can make you very alluring to women.

If you can’t learn to sing or dance, focus on your education or work hard at your job.

The goal is to shine brighter than the other males!

Your Body Language Is Poor

Video games, Netflix, lack of exercise, and loneliness have all contributed to many men’s deteriorating posture.

Women take note of your body language and how at ease you are when speaking to them.

You need to take action right away to change any improper body language you may have!

You can watch videos or read articles and put the advice they share into practice.

It’s crucial to correct your body language and posture because those are some of the first things a woman will notice.

You Need To Enhance Your Fashion Sense

Many ladies will reject you before you even speak if you have a bad fashion sense.

What you wear says a lot about you. People who are more confident tend to have a greater fashion sense and are more aware of what would look best on them.

If you feel that your sense of style falls short of that of your rivals or if you don’t receive enough compliments on it, you should start putting styling tips into practice right away.

Additionally, maintaining a good style doesn’t need you to start spending a lot of money; you may still look great on a tight budget.

You can learn fashion; in fact, I’ve met plenty of wealthy men with subpar styles. It’s an art, and art can only be learned; it cannot be purchased.

Start looking for tutorial blogs and videos that can help.

Improve Your Comm Skills

Many males appear to be attractive until they open their mouths. Communication skills are crucial in the dating world.

You won’t be able to impress women if you don’t have decent communication skills. They will just not engage with you if you are unable to communicate well.

Unfortunately, many guys are spending the majority of their time inside their rooms thanks to social media, video games, Netflix (prime, etc.), and this is affecting their self-confidence.

Going out and interacting with people is critical if you want to enhance your communication abilities.

Instead of spending time in your box, consider going out with your buddies, meeting new people, and interacting with women more.

Develop Your Humor

Yes, maintaining a serious attitude in life is crucial, but having a sense of humor is just as crucial.

The best trait a man can have, according to women, is humor. So, if you manage to sharpen your sense of humor, your chances of meeting plenty of attractive women will be very high.

Begin to spend time with the funniest person you know. Observe him generate humor and take notes.

By using humor, you can not only make yourself cheerful but also relieve the stress of others.

You Are Probably Not Her Type

Maybe she didn’t give you her phone number because you’re not her type.

Every woman has a unique perspective and approach, so keep trying. It’s likely that you’re only a few rejections away from finding the perfect life partner.

You Give Up Easily

There is always a second opportunity in life. It is known as tomorrow. Therefore, don’t let one bad date destroy your entire dating life.

Come back this time, and come back hard.

Develop your talents, find out what ladies want, and then give it a shot; if you don’t give up, I’m very sure you’ll succeed!

She Isn’t Ready Yet

Perhaps she isn’t ready for a relationship just yet. Determine whether she is dating someone and whether she is active on dating websites.

You should do some study on her.

Maybe she’s focused on her profession right now, which is why she doesn’t want to date anyone right now and didn’t offer you her phone number.

However, the majority of the time, when women aren’t ready to date, they simply inform the guy that they aren’t.

I hope you liked this post.

Thanks for reading!