Why Do I Feel Uncomfortable Around Women? (7 Strong Reasons)

It makes us feel bad when we witness other men approach women without hesitation, but when we approach women, we feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

If you feel this way, you are not alone; there are millions of guys who struggle to converse with women.

In this article, I’ll outline 7 reasons why you struggle when talking to women, so make sure to read everything to get the full picture!

1: Your Fashion Matters

Fashion matters; poor fashion not only undermines your impression but also has a detrimental effect on self-confidence.

According to studies, people who maintain themselves clean and dress better feel better, which increases their confidence.

If you believe that fashion is a waste of time, you are mistaken. Not only can it attract more female attention to you, but it can also make you feel amazing, making it less awkward to be around women.

Additionally, dressing stylishly doesn’t require a big financial investment. You can learn fashion; it is an art.

Once you master the art of fashion, you won’t need to spend a lot of money on keeping up with the latest trends.

2: Lack Of Confidence

There was a period when most men were self-assured; smartphones, the internet, and explicit clips were not available.

Men used to look for romantic partners in clubs and gatherings, but now, due to social media, a lack of interaction, and loneliness, many men are losing confidence.

Confidence, which was prevalent in men in the 90s, is now an uncommon attribute, which is rather unfortunate.

If you don’t feel good when talking to ladies, it means you don’t believe in yourself enough.

The good news is that you can strengthen your confidence by assigning yourself tiny daily activities requiring confidence.

Although it varies from person to person, it is generally believed that developing confidence takes three months.

So long as you keep challenging yourself every day, improvements are certain to come.

Read: Do Women Like Yellow Teeth? (Here is the Truth!)

3: Lack Of Communication Skills

Some people are born with this ability, while others are not. I, too, used to be a terrible communicator, struggling to convey how I felt, but something has changed.

I now find it simple to express myself using the appropriate words and expressions. You might be wondering how I improved my communication skills.

Only by taking action can communication be improved.

I used to watch a lot of videos on how to speak better, but nothing worked until I went out and started talking to people at clubs, cinemas, tourist attractions, and classes.

Learning is beneficial, but failing to put what you have learned into practice is foolish.

So begin learning from those personality development videos you see every day and putting what you have learned into practice.

You can undoubtedly change yourself if I can.

You’ll find it simple to make new friends as you improve your communication skills, and girls will start to interact with you more as well.

4: Anxiety

You may be suffering from anxiety and are unaware of it. Do you notice any of the following symptoms?

Source: Mayo Clinic

  • Feeling nervous, restless, or tense
  • Having an increased heart rate
  • Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation)
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Feeling weak or tired
  • Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than the present worry
  • Experiencing gastrointestinal (GI) problems
  • Having difficulty controlling worry
  • Having the urge to avoid things that trigger anxiety

If you recognize any of these symptoms in yourself, you should seek medical attention right away since anxiety could prevent you from becoming the kind of guy you want to be.

Read: Why Can I Not Stop Thinking About The Person Who Left Me? (5 Proven Solution)

5: Lack Of Experience

You’ve dated how many women? How many female buddies do you have? How many women come into contact with you every day?

How are you going to feel better in front of the woman you find attractive if you don’t spend time or chat to numerous girls?

Spending time with your female friends will help you better understand how women feel, what they enjoy and dislike about men, and many other things.

You can draw in lots of ladies after you have a thorough understanding of women and their behavior. I’m absolutely positive!

6:You Don’t Have Enough Money

Whether you like to believe it or not, money matters—a lot. It is among the best qualities to possess.

Money can solve a lot of problems for you, in addition to making you more appealing.

I frequently hear that women don’t care about money and that all they want is a man with a decent heart, but the truth is very different.

Your chances of finding an attractive partner will be very slim if you don’t earn well.

Work hard and grind every day! You can start a business, create and market an online course, or pick up a skill to land a high-paying position.

But don’t give up; do whatever it takes to make money; it’s crucial!

Read: Why Don’t Guys Like Me? (9 Hard-Hitting Truths)

7: You Think Too Much

Our minds begin to flood us with a lot of feelings, both good and bad, when we are ready to meet a lovely female.

The issue is that many men fixate on the negative ideas that their minds generate, and as a result, these men frequently wind up doing something different from what they had originally intended to accomplish.

They utterly fall short and don’t manage to win over the woman they were hoping to impress.

Include yoga and meditation in your daily routine since they can transform your life and bring you peace of mind.

You won’t feel weird and uneasy among women once your thoughts are calm and collected.

I hope you liked this post.

Thanks for reading!

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