Do Women Like Guys Who Wear Black Shirts or T-shirts?

According to me, a man looks fantastic in a black shirt, there is no doubt about it. Black increases confidence and gives courage. But to be honest, it doesn’t matter what I think, the thing that matters the most is what your crush would think when she will see you in a black shirt or T-shirt.

Do women think the same? do women like guys who wear a black shirts?

Well, we’ll find the answer in this post.

It is incredibly hard to understand women and their feelings. Women are really complicated, but there is nothing impossible, you can decode their feelings towards you by simple tricks.

  • Does she look at you closely up and down, when you wear a black shirt?

If yes, then it indicates that your dressing sense is impressing her. The black shirt you have worn has grabbed her attention.

You can add accessories, like a black sports watch, or a black sunglass. All these things will enhance your looks even more.

Now, without wasting any more time, let’s find the answer to the question you’re here for.

Do Women Like Guys Who Wear Black Shirts or T-shirts

According to a survey done by Medical Daily where more than 1,000 people took participated, found that black is actually an ideal color for a first date. 

Women think that a man looks confident, trustworthy, capable, intelligent, and sexy. It literally fulfills every desire of a woman.

In fact, more than 60% of women in this survey preferred black over other colors like Blue, white, green, etc.

Only one color that beat the color black in the survey and that color is Red. Yes, red is and will be the best color to pick for, especially, if you’re going for a date.

Red is the color of love while black is the color of sexiness, intelligence, and confidence.

How to select the perfect black shirt?

To select a good-looking shirt, you first need to understand your body type. Too small or too large shirts can literally demolish your overall look which would be terrible.

  • The shirt shouldn’t have too much printing on it

Simplicity is genius, go for a simple black shirt. Having too many prints on it turns off a woman. It indicates that you’re not grown or have a kid brain.

We as a man like printed shirts, but as I said, women are different, they think very differently.

You have to look mature, otherwise, they won’t take you seriously. All your sacrifice will go downhill.

  • Don’t buy a black shirt that has gigantic buttons

It will look super weird. Whit buttons will do the job for you. Don’t go for super-sized buttons, otherwise, your girl will only look at those buttons, not you.

  • Select that fits you

Know your size, and order as per your size. Large shirts may sometimes look good if you style them perfectly, but small shirts can never look good to anyone.

If you think wearing a way too tight shirt will make you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you’re absolutely wrong. In fact, you’ll look like a clown, and show off freak.

  • Wear wrinkle free

It looks dirty and messy like you simply take out that from the hanger and wore that through the day. Making sure your outfits are correctly ironed will make you look crisp and certainly attract the female’s eye.

Some tips for you

I thought why not give some tips to you, btw, the tips shown below are just from my side.

  • Don’t spend too much

A simple inexpensive shirt is enough to impress anyone if you wear it rightly and have confidence in yourself. Spending way too much on a shirt is not so important. Instead, you can buy a cold accessory or a gadget like a smartwatch.

If you wanna wear a black shirt for a special occasion then you can buy a pricy 500$ Gucci shirt, but if your main goal is to only impress your long-time crush, I don’t think spending a hefty amount on a shirt is a smart move.

  • Don’t repeat that same shirt too often

Repeating the shirt too often will decrease its value. Your crush may think that you don’t have enough clothes.

Men don’t notice it, but women do. Wear it once a week but not regularly.

  • Be confident

A blog post is incomplete without adding this tip. Confidence everything. You can wear expensive clothes, expensive accessories but you can’t do good without confidence.

A woman needs a confident person more than a fashionable person. You can read a detailed post about how to increase confidence by

  • Wear accessories

In the 19th or 20th century accessories were a luxury that not all guys could afford. But, now things have changed drastically. There are a lot of moderately cheap accessories available online that can easily enhance your looks.

The trend today is not to have the most costly clothing or the giant diamond on your ring. On the contrary, people try to isolate themselves from the crowd by being special and wearing brands that many haven’t heard of. It is considered smart to pay as little as possible for something that is of amazing quality, instead of paying hefty amounts for something that is of perfect quality.

  • Improve your physique

In the New Science of Human Attraction, women show a more powerful attraction toward men with a figure consistent with the perfect hunting physique: strong shoulders, narrow waists, and broad chests and shoulders.


Do women like black shirts or t-shirt? The study suggests that women do like a black color shirts. However, if your aim is just attracting a woman with your black shirt, then you’re wrong probably because a single black shirt can’t make her fall in love with you.

You have to be confident, intelligent, masculine, etc. As I said, women are weird, their mood swings a lot. You also have to adjust as per their mood.

I hope this post was helpful to you!

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