Things Guys Notice In The First 6 SecondsThings Guys Notice In The First 6 Seconds

When someone looks at us for a few seconds and then looks away, our minds are filled with questions.

I wanted to know what people notice when they look at us, so after some web research, I’m here to share 14 things a man notices in the first 6 seconds.

So let us get started right away!

1: Face

The first thing a guy notices about you is your face. Yes, there are some men who don’t pay attention to women’s faces and are more interested in other things, but just like women, there are many men who want a pretty face partner.

If your face is attractive and completely symmetrical, guys will notice you a lot.

It has both positive and negative aspects. If you’re wondering how having a gorgeous face may be bad, it’s because it will draw a lot of creeps, and I doubt any woman wants to draw in creeps.

2: Hairstyle

The next thing we notice is the hair. Beautiful hair can increase your appearance; not only men, but also women, notice the hair of other women.

Hair health and style are critical if you want to wow a man in less than 6 seconds. However, as a result of pollution and a poor diet, many women are losing their hair at a faster rate.

However, resolving hair problems is simpler than you think; all you need is a sufficient amount of protein and the right hair care product.

Keep your hair healthy, and I’m sure you’ll impress a lot of men!

3: Smile

When women smile, they appear more attractive than males, according to a study.

So smile because it not only helps you appear beautiful but also increases your confidence and happiness.

A smile conveys confidence and happiness, both of which men value highly. So, even if things aren’t going well for you, make it a habit to smile!

4: Height

Your height is important; if you are too small, you will not be able to impress some men, but if you are too tall, like taller than the guy gazing at you, let me tell you something: 99% of men prefer a spouse who is shorter than them.

You can’t change your height, unfortunately. But I’m confident you’ll meet a partner that is a good match for your height one day!

Read: What Do Guys Think Of Their Female Friends? (7 True Feelings)

5: Weight

This is another thing a man notices within 6 seconds when they see you.

Too fat or too slim are both bad; be in the middle and you’ll look fantastic.

Losing or gaining weight is difficult, I know since I have fought with my weight, I was incredibly tiny, but believe me, it’s all a diet game.

One who has control over their diet has control over their weight!

6: Fashion

One of the most crucial aspects is fashion, as improper fashion may ruin your entire appearance. Guys take note of your clothing, shoes, and color choices.

Unfortunately, many women lack the art of fashion since they have never placed a high value on it; however, becoming trendy is now simple, as there are numerous wonderful videos available on sites such as YouTube and Facebook, where entrepreneurs provide great suggestions on how to become fashionable.

Another thing is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to seem fashionable. Fashion is an art, and if you know what you’re doing, you can look fabulous on a budget.

Read: What Does It Mean When A Guy Kisses Your Forehead? (9 Truth)

7: Body Posture

Your body posture is also important. Right body posture makes you appear confident and more approachable.

Just like bad fashion, bad body posture can also ruin your entire impression.

If you believe you don’t have the right posture, it could be the right time to fix it.

Read tips from pros and apply them to your lifestyle. Posture is crucial, and you must not let your bad posture go untreated!

8: Your Makeup

We notice your makeup. The right amount of makeup can make a man crazy for you but not doing it correctly can push men away from you.

In truth, most men like women who wear light makeup; too much makeup can easily turn off some guys, especially if it appears unrealistic and fake.

Try to appear honest and authentic.

9: Your Chest

Some guys notice a woman’s chest size when they first meet them; however, if you have smaller chests, you don’t need to be concerned because most guys don’t mind smaller size chests if a woman has other attributes to flaunt.

My friend, on the other hand, dislikes ladies with small chests. It’s not his mistake, as men have higher testosterone levels, which encourages them to seek sexually attractive partners, and having a broader chest is a huge indicator of sexual appeal.

Read: How To Flirt With Your Eyes (7 Super Effective Tips)

10: Your Backside

Your bottom size is also important; just like a bigger chest, a bigger backside can turn on guys.

Only a few women naturally have a larger backside; if you are one of them, consider yourself fortunate; be proud of your body shape!

11: Smell

Before you meet a guy you like, make sure you smell good. Guys are easily turned off by smells that are unpleasant.

Use quality deodorant, and bathe frequently.

12: Your Friends If They Are Near You

When we meet you, we observe your friends, and I have a good feeling that ladies do the same when they meet us. It’s a fairly typical action.

We want to know what kind of friends you have since we don’t want to date someone with terrible friends.

13: Skin Complexion

Our brain immediately notices or attempts to notice skin complexion and origin. We have no control over that.

14: Your Voice

When you speak, we notice your voice. A lovely voice can easily melt our hearts. However, if you have a thick male-like voice, we will overlook it if you have all of the other qualities listed above.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article.

Have a nice day!

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