Why Do Girls Like Hugs From Behind? (Explained)

A good tight hug can release stress and make us feel good. According to a major medical site, “we need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.”

Well, 12 hugs a day may seem like a lot, but let me tell you something, it’s still not enough.

Even though almost every hug makes us feel amazing, some actually hit differently, hugs from behind are special. Girls love getting hugged from behind.

In this post, you’ll learn why they like hugs from behind so much, so make sure to read the entire post to get complete info. Now let’s begin!

1: It Releases Happiness Hormones

In this competitive world, it’s hard to be happy all the time, in fact, there are many people who feel sad every day just because they aren’t able to achieve the goals they set.

Now, I know hugs can’t fix everything, but they can definitely help us. Hugs from behind can make your girl feel happy because they stimulate happiness chemicals.

Chemicals like Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Dopamine get released inside the body when a woman receives a good hug from behind. These chemicals can turn a sad mood into an amazing mood in seconds.

If you think your partner doesn’t smile much nowadays, it’s could be the right moment to give her hugs from behind. It can make her days better!

2: Relieves Stress

Stress is another thing that makes us feel sad even though things aren’t that bad. Reducing stress can make our lives much smoother.

Scientists have found a relationship between stress and hugs, according to them, hugs can relieve stress. Hugs from behind can work as a powerful remedy for those who are struggling with stress, they said.

3: They Are Surprising

A normal hug is common, we give normal hugs to our friends and family members, but hugs from behind are not common. We generally receive it from someone we love deeply.

The surprise factor that hugs from behind hold can make the relationship more interesting. If there is nothing much happening in your relationship, or if you are feeling bored, adding hugs like these can surely help to make things more interesting.

4: It Can Increase The Chemistry

Without strong chemistry, no relationship can last long. It’s crucial, however, some people just don’t do anything to keep their relationship stronger, and ultimately, they end up with a breakup.

keeping your partner happy is important, and I think everyone knows that, but you may not know what to do to keep your relationship healthy.

Reducing unwanted arguments and adding things like hugs, kisses, and spending free time with your partner can make your relationship stronger. Hugs from behind may seem like a simple thing to you, but it can easily make your chemistry with your partner better.

5: It Gives A Sense of Protection

Girls feel protected when they receive a hug from behind, it’s natural. Men are usually more dominant than women, and hugs from behind, give your girl the feeling that you are the dominant person in the house.

Women naturally like to get dominated. Being dominated by you can turn her on.

6: Relieves Pain

According to a study, hugging from behind can reduce pain. The study said that some forms of touch are capable of reducing pain, and hugging from behind is another form of touch that may help reduce pain.

I hope you liked this post. Thanks for reading!