What Do Girls Like To Be Called? (51 Names Make Her Smile)

Do you want to know, what do girls like to be called? Well, you are at the right place.

Being in a relationship feels great, it feels like god has blessed us. Trust is important and everyone knows that, but most of us ignore those tiny little things that can make our relationship even better, and one of these things is calling each other with a cute name.

In this post, I’ll share a big list of names you can use to call your girl. She will love it, I’m certain. So let’s begin!

1: Baby

It might sound quite common but believe me, it is one of the most effective names you can give to your beautiful girlfriend or wife. It sounds sexy and makes her realize she is still young and beautiful.

2: Love

This is not just a common word, it’s pure emotion. This word can literally make your relationship even stronger. Use this word more and I’m sure it will build your chemistry with her better over time.

3: Sweetie

If she is sweet from the inside and outside, then why you’re not using this word. It is just for you. Sweetie is a perfect word for sweet people.

Also, calling her sweetie would make her feel more feminine, and that would be amazing, she will feel more connected to you.

4: Honey

Simple yet very effective. Honey is a great word to describe your love for your wife. It is a little similar to sweetie, however, calling your wife honey is better than calling her sweetie. (it is just my opinion)

5: Cupcake

Cupcakes are delicious, they look beautiful and taste awesome. Calling your girl “My Cupcake” would make her crazy for you!

Also, cupcakes are sweeter from the inside, if she is cute and has a polite nature, this word would be perfect for her.

6: Wifey

Another simple yet powerful word. Sadly, people don’t use this word often, they replace this word with different types of new words. They don’t realize how classy the wifey word is.

Use this word if you’re in a serious relationship with her or if she is your wife. She will never get tired of hearing this.

7: Baby Girl

Baby girl is trending in every household. Many guys call their love Baby Girl.

It’s not shocking that girls like being called baby girls too. However, some girls don’t so if you aren’t getting any positive response from her side, stop calling her baby girl, instead use other words mentioned in this list.

Keep trying until you find the word that can make her smile.

8: Honey Buns

If you never heard of honey buns before, then let me explain it to you. Honeybun is a snack that tastes sweet, it contains honey and a swirl of cinnamon in the dough and is glazed with icing.

A fantastic word for the love of your life!

9: Darling

A Cassic! It can never go out of fashion. If you use this word while calling your partner, then stick with it because girls love being called darling, especially, if it is coming from the guy they love.

10: Sugar

This word isn’t as common as darling or sweetie, however, on the scale of effectiveness, it gives tough competition to both darling and sweetie.

Believe me, there is no shame in calling your beautiful partner sugar.

11: Sweetheart

Like darling and honey, this word can too never get out of fashion. It is not just an ordinary word, it has the potential to melt the heart of every girl on this planet.

If you don’t use it often, then what are you waiting for, tell her sweetheart, and see her reaction.

12: Boo

Boo is a kinda short form of a baby. It is another affectionate word that describes someone you love and care about the most!

A lot of young couples are using this word. Belong to the young generation? Try calling your love boo.

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13: Bae

Bae or before anyone else is an interesting word, however, this word is also a kinda short version of the word “baby”. Mostly young couples use it.

14: Cutie

Never said her cutie before? Maybe it’s the right time to call your girl cutie. It is the word used to define a person who is very attractive.

15: Cutie Pie

Add an extra pie to boost the effectiveness of the word cutie.

16: Queen

I know she is the queen of your life, why don’t you use the word queen itself to call her. I guarantee you that this word will make her smile genuinely. Be her king and make her queen now.

17: Princess

If she is not your wife yet, calling her princess instead of a queen would be a little better.

18: Angel

If you have never seen a girl as beautiful as she, then use the word “Angel”, it is a little old-fashioned but it can do the job for you.

19: Beautiful

Here comes the word that we have all been waiting for. It is the most common word to use. Surprisingly, its popularity hasn’t gone down by much. People still use it.

However, I have ranked it below because of one single reason, and the reason is simple, this word is a bit boring. Also, when you call a girl beautiful, they don’t know whether you are lying or telling the truth.

20: Gorgeous

If she is extremely pleasant or attractive then use the word gorgeous. However, use it in limitation because doesn’t matter how beautiful she is, it’s impossible to look gorgeous all the time.

Use this word when she has worn a new dress or when you both are heading for a party. Believe me, this word can do the magic for you.

21: Sunning

Calling her stunning can make her day, but just like gorgeous, don’t use this word every time, save it for the best moments.

22: Call Her Intellingent

Believe it or not, some women like being called intelligent more than beautiful. The reason behind this is that beautiful describes their outer beauty while intelligent is the word that tells that the person is excellent from the inside.

Also, intelligence lasts almost forever, but beauty doesn’t. Call her intelligent whenever she does something intelligently.

23: You Look Hot

Many women say that they prefer being called cute over hot, however, they don’t reveal that they secretly enjoy being called hot. In fact, it can make them turn on, however, it depends on who is saying them, if their boyfriend is saying them hot, it can certainly make them smile.

24: You Are My Sunshine

If you don’t wanna say, darling or love, say sunshine, it’s a great alternative.

25: Baby Doll

A baby doll means a young woman with a cute face and attractive figure. If she has an amazing face and killer figure, call her a baby doll.

Some More Words

  • My Heart
  • Pumpkin
  • Hunny Cake
  • Sugar Plum
  • Busty
  • Sexy
  • Marvelous
  • Dear
  • Precious
  • Chick
  • Buttercup
  • Blossom
  • Treasure
  • Giggles
  • Diamond
  • Brunette – Call her brunette if she is white but her hair are dark brown.
  • Rosy
  • Barbie
  • Goddess
  • Cherry
  • My Life
  • Freckles
  • Bombshell
  • Amazing
  • You’re Mind-Blowing
  • Delilah

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